My name is Yoke and I started my Yoke’s Magic Gardening business in April 2012 after employment in various parts of the Horticultural Industry since the early 1980s.
I have been very passionate about nature since childhood and would very much like to bring more of it into everybody’s life. Allowing nature into our gardens and our lives will make for a better attitude towards the greater picture of our entire planet!
This blog will hopefully inspire you to think twice before you pull those weeds out of your garden by sharing some fascinating facts about them.
For instance, did you know that weeds are actually helping your garden and that they are a plant in the right place and not as often said, a plant in the wrong place!
There are many wonderful blogs out there, so why need another one?
I have a desire to create an Ethno Botanic garden (see one of my earlier blogs) which grows only native plants instead of exotic plants as in botanic gardens, but teaches us, just as a botanic garden does, all about them and most importantly their importance to us!
Every Botanical garden tries to make sense of the entire world of plants by classifying them. As I trained at Kew Gardens, London, I would also like to use the latest system of Classification here and hopefully give you a gentle introduction into this heavy subject.