As I like this to be a very informative blog on salvias, I like to start on:
Something about the history, of mainly the New World Salvias:
Here in Britain we had Pat Vlasto, Beth Chatto, Beryl Davies (from former Probus Demonstration Garden in Cornwall) and later Christine Yeo to thank for the wonderful pioneering work the’d done with salvias!
We now have two lovely salvias to at least honour them in Salvia x jamensis ‘Pat Vlasto’ and Salvia ‘Christine Yeo’, which is, what I always believed, a tough cross of S. microphylla and S. chamaedryoides.
The flowers are mostly purple but I also had sometimes violet flowering forms! Both Beryl Davies and Christine Yeo (part I & part II) have written some of the first little handbooks on salvias, which are rare and not easy to get hold off any more.
I had to have a read in John Sutton’s book: ‘the Gardener’s Guide to growing Salvias’ and discovered that:
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