The Wonderful Weed Weekly Blog

To talk kindly about the weeds in my weekly blog, we first need to identify those weeds of which many people despise…!

I found the RHS website very useful please see here as well as how to tackle them.

I don’t really want to repeat what this brilliant website says, as my weekly blog wants to highlight the positive things about those weeds!

Weeds are also just being ‘themselves’; one of the many native plants of these Isles! They grow in soil and habitat in which they naturally like to grow in and often we are actually helping them greatly by providing a pleasant environment to thrive even more!

Continue reading “The Wonderful Weed Weekly Blog”


In the last blog I explained some scientific terms which you will find throughout my blogs. This time I explain a little more why I want to start a blog all about Ethnobotany and our native plants..

The more I work with all kinds of plants, in my daily life and work, the more I appreciate them, and this even includes ‘WEEDS’, or our native plants as I prefer to call them; or even wild flowers as many are pretty as well as useful…. Or ‘PRETTY USEFUL’!!

Crambe maritima or Sea kale looking stunning in its native habitat!

Continue reading “LOVE YOUR WEEDS!”

‘Heemtuin’ or Wildlife Garden in Nieuwkoop, the Netherlands

Entrance to the ‘Heemtuin Nieuwkoop’ with some typical Dutch bicycles parked up!


What is a Heemtuin?

History of the Heemtuin in the Netherlands

Willows and other features in Heemtuin Nieuwkoop

The plants and habitats re-created at Heemtuin Nieuwkoop

How to create a Heemtuin or Wildlife Garden

Growing and collecting herbs around Nieuwkoop in the last Century:

From an original article by Jan Vork from ‘Heemtuin Nieuwkoop’ (much edited and translated by Y. van der Meer)

Continue reading “‘Heemtuin’ or Wildlife Garden in Nieuwkoop, the Netherlands”